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Types of road traffic signs and why they have different shapes


With the development of society and economy, roads are getting better and better, and there are more and more cars. To ensure smooth traffic, road traffic signs are becoming more and more important. Let's learn about the types of traffic signs.
Road traffic signs are generally composed of graphics, numbers, and texts. They clearly and correctly convey instructions to pedestrians and vehicles, thereby ensuring the safety and convenience of daily travel. There are five main types.


Function 1: Warning.

This road sign is very common and is usually red. It informs pedestrians or vehicles of the potential safety hazards that may be encountered on the road in advance, and pays attention to prevent related risks. 

Function 2: Prohibition.

Prohibition has a command attribute. For example, when there is construction ahead, there will usually be a no-entry sign.

Function 3: Guidance.

This is the most common road sign. For example, there will be a diversion lane guide sign arrow at the intersection, which will inform the driver to choose the designated lane hundreds of meters or even farther in advance. The same is true on highways. Road signs have a more significant guiding effect on highway exits.

Function 4: Speed limit reminder.

Whether it is an ordinary urban road or a highway, we often see digital signs with circles or without countries, which limit the speed of the vehicle. Urban roads generally have a single-digit speed limit, that is, the number on the sign is the legal upper limit of the vehicle speed: while highways generally have two numbers above and below, indicating the upper and lower limits of the speed.

Function 5: Distance reminder.

This type of road traffic sign is relatively rare in urban areas, but it is common on highways. Its purpose is to tell drivers how many kilometers the next exit or town is.
In addition, there are some auxiliary types of signs, such as graphic signs for specific places such as hospitals and schools, and distance measurement signs on highways. Various types of signs together form a complete set of road traffic sign systems to regulate people's daily lives.

reflective traffic sign

In ancient Rome, there were milestones and road signs on the military road from Rome to Capua. China used bronze signs in the 3rd century AD during the reign of Emperor Wen of Wei. However, before the widespread use of cars, the types and number of road signs were few. With the increase in the number of cars and the development of road transportation, the types and number of road traffic signs have gradually increased. What is the basis for the shape setting of these road traffic signs?

First of all, under the condition of equal area, the order of good effect and easy recognition is triangle>ginger>square>regular pentagon>regular hexagon>circle>regular octagon. The triangle has a high display degree and is a more eye-catching shape. my country uses regular triangles as the geometric shape of warning signs, and uses inverted triangles in "parking and giving way" and "slow driving and giving way". The circle signs has a higher display degree and is easy to arrange and set text. It is generally used as a prohibition and instruction sign. Rectangles and squares have good visibility and are used for road traffic signs.

reflective road sign

The meanings of different shapes of road traffic signs:
(1) Square: used for road signs, departmental warning, prohibition and instruction signs, tourist area signs, auxiliary signs, notice signs, etc.
(2) Fork: used for "railway level crossing symbol" warning signs;
(3) Octagon: used for "stop and give way" prohibition signs;
(4) Inverted equilateral triangle: used for "slow down and give way" proceeding signs;
(5) Circle: used for prohibition and instruction signs;
(6) Regular equilateral triangle: used for warning signs.

Road traffic signs are road facilities that use words or symbols to convey guidance, restriction, warning or instruction information. Setting up eye-catching, clear and bright traffic signs is an important measure to implement traffic management and ensure safe and smooth road traffic.