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Function and maintenance of traffic signs


In our daily life, we often see some signs on the road and traffic. So what convenience and effect can these signs really bring us? Let's explain to everyone what the role of road traffic signs is.

After understanding the meaning of road traffic signs, we can understand the location of streets and certain addresses in cities, which provides great help for traffic. When the navigation has not been fully covered, everyone relies on these signs to carry out traffic. The convenience of traffic has also greatly increased the auxiliary effect of people's road safety. Secondly, road traffic signs and sign poles make our traffic safer. Many traffic accidents can also use traffic signs to avoid accidents. Now the supporting facilities in various provinces in China are very sound. Now the safety function of traffic is gradually improving, which is closely related to the role of traffic signs and basic signs.

road traffic sign

The daily maintenance and care of road traffic signs is also something we should pay attention to.

First of all, it is necessary to check the road traffic signs set up on the highway regularly. If the road signs or pillars are found to be deformed, damaged, polluted and eroded, they must be cleaned, repaired or updated in time. If natural disasters such as heavy rain, floods or earthquakes occur, it is also necessary to check the traffic signs in time to ensure that they are not damaged or eroded or lost.

yellow road sign

Then, some road traffic signs set up in remote areas are easy to breed because of weeds. Therefore, it is necessary to check and clean the weeds around them regularly to prevent some climbing vines from climbing up the traffic signs. At the same time, it is still necessary to remove the trees that block the road signs to prevent drivers and pedestrians from seeing the traffic signs. In addition, in addition to timely cleaning the pollution on the traffic signs, it is also necessary to carry out anti-corrosion treatment on the surface regularly to prevent rust caused by various natural corrosive media caused by long-term outdoor use. The rusted areas should be treated accordingly. If a large area has been damaged, it must be updated in time.

reflective traffic sign

In the final inspection, if the connecting parts of the road traffic signs are found to be damaged or loose, they must be supplemented and fixed in time to prevent accidental collapse.